It was a pleasure to host Year 11 students on Friday 11th March for their Plan to Succeed Event here at Kinver. The day focused on students' preparation for their upcoming examinations, giving them guidance and support as they approach such a crucial period in their school lives.
All of the students approached the day brilliantly. They completed three morning workshops on creating; Flash Cards, Mind-Maps and Revision Timetables. All of these were aimed at helping understand how to dedicate their time inside and outside of school for their studies, as well as giving them ideas on producing tried and tested revision techniques. There was even a competition to see who could produce the best mind-map using the information they had been given.
Heather B came 3rd,
Hattie C was runner up, and
Skye M was the overall winner!

The afternoon saw the start of the bigger competition, to see who could produce the most creative and innovative revision resource on either 'Jekyll and Hyde' or 'The Human Heart'. Working in small groups, our Year 11s outdid themselves with their attitude and approach to this task, and an incredible array of resources were made, which again made it very difficult for staff in charge to pick their winning entries.
At the end of the day, students came back to our Lecture Theatre to showcase their 'final product' to the rest of the year. All of the groups produced some exceptional final pieces that were educational, as well as being both innovative and beautifully designed, but these five groups were chosen as being their 'best in class'. After reviewing all of the wonderful entries the winning groups were announced;
Olivia D, Lucy N, Neve M and Ella E
Rhianna M, Becky H and Jess B
Grace R, Heather B and Millie L
Tegan G, Hattie C, Jacob G
Lily J, Emera B, Skye T and Erin W
Our final award of the day went to the student who had been identified as the star of the group from each of the five different classes for the day. And the winners were;
Ben L
Lucy N
Millie Y
Rhianna M
Millie H

Despite only being able to select a small group of winners, all students did themselves proud and produced exceptional work throughout the day. Most importantly, students have been able to come away with newly-found skills and knowledge, which will help ensure they are ready to succeed in this summer's GCSE exams. I would also like to thank all of the staff who threw themselves into the day, and helped inspire the students to produce such excellent work. Their efforts, alongside those of students, ensured that the day was such a great success.
We now hope that our students can 'go quackers' for revision, using their 4Rs resource pack for advice, alongside their newly acquired rubber ducks that aim to give them a visual reminder of ways in which they can revise. Well done again Year 11!