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Performing Arts

Performing Arts at Kinver includes Music, Drama & Dance

(Dance is taught within the PE curriculum)





The Music room is a busy and a vibrant place for students to be at lunch times. Every lunch time there is something is on offer for all to get involved in. Clubs include, ‘Kinver Sings’; a Choir club singing songs of all Genres, Guitar club; reading Guitar tab and playing solo and ensemble, Djembe Drum club and Keyboard/Piano club and after school ‘Creating Music’ Club’.


Students are supportive and mix across year groups; often older students help and mentor young students; supporting them in becoming more confident musicians. 


The Music department also has a number of practice rooms that are available for students to book during lunch times. 

Students enjoy performing at presentation evenings, Christmas concerts and at Kinver Country Fayre to name just a few. 


















Music Tuition 


At Kinver High, students are encouraged to learn new instruments and to continue learning instruments they have already started during Primary School. We privately hire instrumental staff to teach students in addition to our in house Music department who maintain a high teaching and performing standard.


Students who choose to play an instrument have instrumental lessons during the normal school day, in total they have 30 lessons across the academic year and are taught both individually and as a group. We currently offer music tuition for the following: 


  • All Brass instruments,

  • Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet, Oboe and Saxophone),

  • Drum,

  • Electric and acoustic Guitar,

  • Piano,

  • Keyboard,

  • ‘Music Theatre’,

  •  Music Vocal Training,  

  • String instruments, please not string lessons are offered for free through the Invictus ‘Big String Project’. 




Drama is a growing area at Kinver High as it has recently been introduced to our curriculum.  


Drama enrichment opportunities include being involved with the school production, recent productions include The Jungle Book, High School Musical and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Our students have also had the privilege to perform sections of these at the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre, to a large audience, as part of a very successful Invictus performance evening.  We are looking forward to our next production of Little Shop of Horrors. 



Watch the video below to see some of our talented students perform, The Greatest School

at our Open Day October 2020 























Performing Arts within Invictus Education Trust 


Kinver High is part of the Invictus Choir who have performed in venues across the UK and Germany as well as part of the BBC proms at the Royal Albert Hall. Last year our tour of Germany surpassed everyone’s expectations and was received with acclaim wherever the choir performed. The Invictus Choir has an ethos of inclusivity, but at the same time seeks to be an elite opportunity. 


The Invictus Dance Company was also recently involved with a production of Rosie Kays 5 soldiers. This was a fabulous show at the Forest Arts Centre in Walsall. 


Rock Bands from across the Trust are featured on a bimonthly basis at the River Rooms in Stourbridge. This provides bands with a fabulous opportunity to perform on a large professional stage. 


Lastly, but by no means least, we are also running the Big Strings Project. This is led by the Head of Strings from Birmingham Music Service. The BSP provides free string tuition for all Invictus students. Students are provided with a free instrument and senior players regularly attend National Youth Orchestra training weekends and perform at several concerts, most notably at Christmas time at Dudley town hall.  


Invictus Performing Arts have created an atmosphere where the arts are thriving and is ever growing! 





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Kinver High School and Sixth Form
Enville Road, Kinver, Stourbridge,
West Midlands DY7 6AA
Tel: 01384 686900

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©2022 by Invictus Education Trust

A Member of Invictus Education Trust

Registered address: Invictus Headquarters, Kinver High School, Enville Road, Kinver, South Staffs, England DY7 6AA.

 A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales  (company number: 09284368)

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