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Kinver High School welcomes students from South Staffordshire,

Dudley, Wolverhampton, Sandwell, Worcestershire and other neighbouring boroughs.


We operate a school coach service & support with travel is available 

For more information about joining us, please get in touch:

For Year 6 to Year 7 intake please contact

For all other admission enquiries please email

To get a taste of what school life is like at Kinver High watch our videos below!  

Some of our Year 7 cohort from last academic year told us their favourite things about KHS. 

Watch this video to find out what they are! 

Why Kinver?

At Kinver High we firmly believe that education is a partnership between pupils, parents and school staff working together to maximise success.  We are confident that the time the students spend with us will be successful, happy, and memorable.

Our priorities are clear as to what makes a successful school:

  • Pupils need to feel safe and happy

  • Pupils should be fully engaged and immersed into a wide range of learning activities

  • Opportunities should be provided both in and out of the classroom

  • All pupils, regardless of ability, should be given every opportunity to achieve their full potential

Pastoral Care

All students at Kinver High School have a Form Tutor who they see first thing in a morning when they arrive at school. Kinver High School is known for the relationships students build with their Form Tutor during their time with us. Form Tutors offer stable contact and advice and guidance. Form Tutors are supported by Heads of School and overseen by the Senior Leadership Team. We also have two Pastoral Officers and a Learning Mentor who are always available to support our students. 

We have an Inclusion Department to support students as and when required and we work with a wide range of local external agencies for enhanced support in a variety of areas when needed. Our SEND Team, together with the ‘Den’ provide an additional bespoke learning space for those students who need additional support with their learning and development.

Peer Support

Our students have access to an exceptional peer support network called the ‘Worry Warriors’. This comprises of a group of highly committed and personable Year 9 students who have received specialist training. Our Worry Warriors provide an alternative support network for new and current students through a series of informal drop-in sessions and by their attachment to all Year 7 form groups.

Kinver High School offers a variety of leadership opportunities to our students, including a Year 11 Prefect team and a Sixth Form Mentoring system.

Kinver Grange, Opened September 2020

Last summer Kinver High’s very own mini farm was built, featuring, a Guinea Pig Village, free ranging chickens and a self-grow vegetable patch. This will support the mental health and well-being of our students, as well as offering students the opportunity to learn and care for the animals, gain a better understanding of self-sustainability, and acquire an appreciation of the location of the school, in the centre of a rural village.

We currently have 4 Guinea Pigs, Oreo, Smudge, Ron, and Pip. Our guinea pigs will also become Literacy Reading Buddies and provide a weekly listening ear, for many of our students to practise and further develop their reading skills.


Open Morning

Choosing the right secondary school for your child is one of the most important decisions which a family must make. To further assist you with this process, Kinver High School holds an annual Open Day at the end of September.

During our Open Morning, we will showcase the broad range of subjects which are available to students throughout the Key Stages and there will be:

  • A welcome talk from our Headteacher, Mrs Clifton

  • A talk from our Head Boy and Head Girl

  • A range of interactive lessons for prospective students to participate in.

  • Informative displays of students’ work

  • Information on courses delivered

  • Staff on hand to assist with any questions you might have

  • Current students on hand to give their perspective on school life at Kinver High


Additionally, we will also offer several bookable tours for prospective students and their parents/carers to visit the school during normal school hours following our Open Morning. Visitors will be able to see the ‘real’ Kinver High, as we operate on a day to day basis and discover why, we feel that our students are the best ambassadors for our school. Places can be booked on Open Morning or in advance by contacting the school office on 01384 686900.


Transfer procedures to Kinver High School

To assist the transition from primary to secondary education, we hold a Transition Day.

Children will spend the day with their new form group and follow a full timetable to give them a true taste of secondary school. This day will give them the opportunity to meet new classmates, learn about routines and gain a greater understanding of what life at Kinver High School will be like. There will also be a chance for your child to ask any questions they may have about starting their educational journey with us.

Moving up to Year 7 does not have to be a daunting time for students and their parents/carers. At Kinver High we go to great lengths to ensure this transition runs smoothly.

The size and friendly nature of Kinver High combined with the network ensures a wealth of expertise is on hand to assist students in realising their full potential. We pride ourselves on the fact that each student is valued for who they are and as a school community we readily celebrate our many successes.


Learning Skills Programme

Staff at Kinver High believe that education should not be a transient process which concludes with external examinations at the age of 18 years. In view of this, Kinver High School now incorporates a successful Learning Skills programme into the curriculum for all Year 7 pupils. The programme, which consists of a double teaching period every week, is based around the principles of Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) helps to equip students with the skills necessary to become successful, confident lifelong learners.

Year 7 Admissions for September 2025 (For children born 1 September 2013 – 31 August 2014)

The return date for admission in September 2025 closes on 31 October 2024, with decisions being issued on 1 March 2025.

Apply Now:

Year 7 Admission Appeals

If your child has been refused a place in our school, you have the right to appeal against this decision.   


Appeals are co-ordinated by Staffordshire County Council, further information can be found on their website  


Appeals timetable for admission to secondary school for the 2025/26 academic year: 


​*Further information on how to appeal and the appeals timetable will be published by 28 February 2025 on each school website *


The appeals application can be accessed here

In-year admissions

Parents can apply for a place for their child at any time outside the normal admissions round. As is the case in the normal admissions round, all children whose Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) plans name the school will be admitted. Likewise, if there are spaces available in the year group you are applying for, your child will be offered a place


For information on in-year admissions please visit - 


Parents or carers seeking to make an application to Kinver High will need to complete the application form and forward this to school.  This application will be processed and you will receive a response within 10 school days or at the very latest 15 school days.


If there are no spaces available at the time of your application, your child’s name will be added to a waiting list for the relevant year group. When a space becomes available, it will be filled by one of the pupils on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.  Priority will not be given to children on the basis that they have been on the waiting list the longest.  You will also have a right of appeal to an independent panel.

Kinver High Admission Arrangements

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Kinver High School and Sixth Form
Enville Road, Kinver, Stourbridge,
West Midlands DY7 6AA
Tel: 01384 686900

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©2022 by Invictus Education Trust

A Member of Invictus Education Trust

Registered address: Invictus Headquarters, Kinver High School, Enville Road, Kinver, South Staffs, England DY7 6AA.

 A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales  (company number: 09284368)

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